By - Nicole Nguyen-Iffland

Email Marketing Works! We’ll tell you our tricks!

Email Marketing is one of our biggest selling tools here at Business for Sale QLD and we’d like to share our experience with you on what works.

We use it regularly because it’s not only cheap and cost effective, but generates an overwhelming response from our database of buyers and sellers. The people who are receiving our Emails are people who have agreed to receive marketing information from us. They are telling us that they want to see more from us! So, give them what they want!

Quick Tips:

  1. Make it visually appealing but be mindful of using large images as it may take longer to load on the reader’s screen and, if you DO use an image at the top of your email, we find it works to include a short text overlay to make the image relevant and add content/meaning to the image.
  2. Make sure the first part of the screen that your reader sees is relevant. Remember back to when your reader initially agreed to receive marketing material…what was the initial trigger? For example, our Buyer’s subscribe to receive “email alerts on other business opportunities”. So, in our Email we would open up with something like, “Hi David, just thought you might be interested in our latest business opportunities.”
  3. Make sure the Subject line is relevant and clear of “Spam” words or it will automatically be blocked by your recipient’s Email system or ignored/deleted by the reader (see list of Notorious SPAM words below)
  4. Personalise your Email. It’s as simple as using their Name!
  5. Give your readers a “Call to Action” even if it’s not to buy from you today, drive them to your website or share/like something that you’re posting.
  6. Make it “responsive” which, in IT terms, means that the screen automatically adjusts to the reader’s device. This generally means using HTML rather than normal Text Emails. You may be able to do this quite easily with your existing Email system or use a third party website. We like using HTML EMAIL to generate free Text to HTML (including images) which allows us to use our existing Email system with no extra cost!
  7. When your readers FIRST SUBSCRIBE to receive Emails from you, encourage them to check their Spam/Junk mail and “white-list” your Email (which just means that they “tell” their Email system to accept emails from you).
  8. Give them an Opt-Out at the bottom of your Email. This makes them feel in control of receiving Emails from you (plus is a legal requirement in Australia).
  9. Don’t kill them with too many Emails or they will quickly get sick of receiving them!

We hope this has been helpful? Enjoy!

Source: Web Marketing Today, Spam Assassin, Andrea O’Neill, MailChimp

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